Blog or Forum?

I've noticed some confusion here, between which is being used for what purposes, so I'm going to create a handy guide for where you should be :) I hope that you are using both, because as you shall see, they have different purposes.

You should be on the blog if you:

  • Want to know when our next meeting is
  • Need a quick update about what's going on at the next meeting
  • Want to read the club minutes
  • Want to hear random things we have to say about the pro-life movement
Basically, you should be on the blog if you're looking for something that has already happened or is definitely happening.

The blog is for club maintenance :)

You should be on the forum if you:
  • Have an idea for a new club project
  • Have an idea about a current club project
  • Want to discuss pro-life issues
  • Want to kill time reading posts and posting things yourself about anything you want to talk about
Be on the forum if you have ideas or other things you want to discuss with the club as a group. The forum is also for things that are only in the "we're talking about it" phase.

The forum is for discussing ideas and talking about things we don't have time for in our meetings

And that's the deal~♫ 

It's pretty simple, I think, and it's easy to look at a blog for two seconds so it's not a run-around.

I sincerely hope you are using both, because we need all the the help you can give to really help this new club take flight.

--Anna :)